Intro: What is meant by a change of purpose, what function does it have and what must be taken into account when implementing it?
To-Dos: What is the specific procedure for implementing the change of purpose and the associated obligations?
Statements: What have the data protection supervisory authorities published on the subject of change of purpose?
The purpose or purposes of data processing must always be defined before data processing begins (principle of purpose limitation). This is intended to ensure that all data processing is subject to justification and that the necessity of certain data processing has a clear reference point - i.e. the respective purpose.
Nevertheless, the GDPR recognises that there are situations in which a change of purpose is legitimate, i.e. the data may be used for another purpose. This is the case if the following criteria are met:
Carrying out a so-called compatibility check based on the above criteria
Informing the data subject about the impending change of purpose
Adaptation of the processing overview and data protection information
>> Find out which other data protection obligations have to be considered with respect to European data protection law.
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